Blog/Amazon Textract: Automating Data Extraction with AI

Amazon Textract: Automating Data Extraction with AI

Learn how Amazon Textract uses AI to automate data extraction from complex documents like invoices and forms, saving time, reducing errors, and streamlining workflows.

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Nicolás Colmenares

Full Stack developer

Posted on September 20, 2024

Amazon Textract: Automating Data Extraction with AI

Amazon Textract is a cloud-based machine learning service that automates the extraction of both structured and unstructured data from scanned documents. What makes Textract unique compared to traditional OCR tools is its ability to read beyond basic text, enabling it to understand tables, forms, and even more complex document structures. Here’s a deeper dive into its capabilities, real-world use cases, and benefits:

Advanced Capabilities

1. Data Extraction from Tables and Forms: Unlike basic OCR systems that extract plain text, Textract identifies and preserves the structure of documents, such as forms and tables. This capability is crucial when processing invoices, contracts, or complex forms where data is not always linear. It understands the relationships between data points and extracts them accurately into machine-readable formats​

2. Text Queries: Textract also allows you to query specific fields in a document, making it easier to extract relevant data without the need to process the entire document. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with large volumes of forms that contain specific fields like dates, names, or totals.

3. Handwriting Recognition: Textract can recognize not only printed text but also handwritten characters, which is a significant advantage in industries like healthcare, where handwritten notes and records are still common​

4. Seamless Integration with AWS: Textract integrates smoothly with other AWS services, including:

  • Amazon Comprehend for natural language processing (NLP), enabling deeper analysis of text, such as sentiment analysis or entity extraction​
  • Amazon SageMaker for building and deploying machine learning models to predict trends based on extracted data​
  • Amazon S3 for storing extracted data and documents in a highly scalable, secure environment​

5. Augmented AI for Human Review: While Textract is highly accurate, some scenarios require human review, especially for fields that the AI might have low confidence in extracting. AWS Augmented AI (A2I) allows a human to review and validate the data flagged by Textract, ensuring a more accurate final output​

Real-World Use Cases

1. Financial Sector: Banks and insurance companies often deal with a large volume of forms, contracts, and statements. Textract helps automate the processing of such documents, extracting information like amounts, dates, and account numbers while reducing human error and processing times. One specific use case is automating loan application forms by extracting customer information and processing them faster​

2. Healthcare: Healthcare providers can use Textract to digitize and process medical records, patient forms, and even handwritten doctor notes. This helps reduce manual data entry, speeding up patient service while maintaining data accuracy. For example, Arizona State University’s Cloud Innovation Center leveraged Textract during the COVID-19 pandemic to automatically extract data from benefit application forms, speeding up relief distribution​

3. Government Services: Textract has been implemented in government agencies to automate mundane administrative tasks. Local councils, for instance, have utilized Textract to process parking forms and applications, automating data extraction and reducing the need for manual review, resulting in a 30% time reduction in processing​

Pricing and Cost Efficiency

Amazon Textract offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model. The cost depends on the number of pages processed and the complexity of the document. The pricing structure differs for:

  • Simple documents: Mainly containing printed text without forms or tables.
  • Forms and tables: These are priced higher as they involve more complex extraction tasks.

For companies dealing with massive document volumes, the scalability of Textract combined with AWS’s serverless infrastructure ensures that costs are optimized, especially during high-volume periods like tax seasons or insurance claim surges​


1. Increased Efficiency: Automating document extraction reduces manual data entry efforts by more than 50% for organizations, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks.

2. Scalability: The serverless architecture of Textract allows businesses to scale up during peak times, such as large form submissions, and then scale down when the demand subsides, offering cost-efficiency.

3. Accuracy: Textract’s AI-driven approach means fewer errors compared to manual document processing, improving the quality and reliability of data​


Amazon Textract represents a major leap in automating document workflows. Its ability to extract data from complex, unstructured documents like forms, invoices, and contracts makes it invaluable for industries ranging from finance to healthcare and government. By integrating with AWS’s powerful suite of tools, Textract provides not just text recognition but actionable insights, allowing organizations to save time, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency.

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